ECN - Consulting and Business Company
“ECN was created with a focus on supporting areas linked to presidencies, corporate boards, and business groups that have very little time to study and research the issues impacting their upper management levels.
It arose from a felt need that emerged while we were in the presidencies of companies and public institutions. Due to the many demands of daily functions, we couldn’t dedicate the necessary time to the strategic issues involved.
These included market trends, the business situations of our competitors, their decisions and actions, the performances of directors, the overall conditions of our subsidiaries and affiliates, and, more than anything, the lack of someone at our level, with our training, experience, and knowledge, with whom we could exchange ideas and pathways about everything that was affecting us at the time!
We imagined how beneficial it would be to have the support of a consultancy with extensive experience and the capacity to receive topics and subjects for research, study, analysis, and subsequently suggest those paths that would best suit our moment and reality. Ultimately, we envisioned having a Board or a Strategic Planning Advisory, outsourced, proactive, and always ahead of the curve while being completely aligned with the interests of all. When we finished our tenure leading the companies, we chose to put our ideas and thoughts into practice by creating a company exactly as we imagined, providing the market with that possibility!
We bring decades of personal experiences from diverse and dynamic backgrounds, along with the availability and motivation for new and significant challenges. All guided by one main objective: to provide the most distinct, capable entrepreneurs, executives, and corporate boards with a differentiated consultancy that supports them in everything.
In summary, a company capable of facilitating and fully ensuring their decisions!
Welcome to ECN – Consulting and Business Company Ltd.”
José Aníbal Petraglia
- We are a dynamic and active company, capable of creating differentiated solutions for various segments and circumstances that may involve the businesses of companies or individual clients.
- We are always a strong arm for controllers and owners of companies and business groups, auditing and monitoring the performances of appointed boards and the results presented. This is consistently one of the main challenges for entrepreneurs: knowing, visualizing, and controlling the performance of their hired personnel.
- We have extensive experience and proven successes in the business and commercial areas, either prospecting or developing them, or even mediating them at the specific request of those who hire us.
- Activities involving succession processes, inherited or anticipated inheritances, are significant issues that we always address as a solution for families inheriting businesses and knowing nothing about them—often lacking the capacity to manage them—until they can sell them before internal segments take advantage of the opportunity.
- We also operate with a great deal of authority and specialization in the area of business consultancies or for independent clients. This work always focuses on the simplest and most creative solutions for each type of situation encountered! In this sense, we enable the outsourcing of management and actions in strategic and commercial areas.
- We execute the structuring and restructuring of any type of activities or companies. This is, in fact, our work with the best results, allowing clients who follow our proposals and guidelines rigorously to achieve the proposed and desired results!
- We also act as an instrument for lawyers and law firms, achieving creative and necessary solutions for various client interests. Similarly, we utilize lawyers and law firms to assist in the legal solutions needed by our clients!
- Addressing critical situations in companies and creating creative solutions for each type of business context!
- Creating simple and lasting solutions for the needs and circumstances of our clients’ businesses!
- Seeking and achieving immediate positive operational results for our clients’ businesses!
- Implementing solutions created, suggested, approved, and adopted by our clients’ companies and businesses!
- Quickly and intensely starting work in commercial, financial, and legal (litigation) areas to address difficulties, increase revenue inflows, minimize cash inefficiencies, and implement pending solutions and negotiations. Together, these improvements, in turn, reduce various detracting factors for companies and enhance the operational area’s readiness to overcome moments of crisis (if any).
- Always available to clients, ready to tackle solutions for all problems that involve them, providing peace of mind and security!